The Insight Show 2017 : Better than Ever

insight event

Closing a busy and productive February, Sample Solutions made a trip to the beautiful city of London to attend the Insight Show 2017. Combined with the marketing live week, this year’s Insight Show was packed with attendants from all over the world. – From Americas to Europe & Asia in the mix.

Just when we thought winter was over, London welcomed us with a cold drizzling shower of rain that lasted an entire day and the sun was nowhere to be found. Nevertheless, there is always something about London that makes us keep wanting to go back, which is definitely not the weather. Every  London visit feels like a fresh start, discovering something new as we develop new clients, get to travel new areas of London in every single trip and this time was no different.

After meeting with a client and a couple of hours going through emails plus recovering from the early flight and the morning shower of London, we made our way into the Insight Show venue with the same sense of excitement that we have every year. Unlike last year, we only visited as a guest this year and the show was busy, in fact much busier than last year. Perhaps it was thanks to the free cocktail that one of the stands was offering and we did not forget to stop by to take a few with us. As the show came to a close for the day, we joined the flow of people and proceeded to the Hilton society bar where the research club took place. It was fantastic as we got the chance to catch up with my current clients as well as meet new people to discuss telephone sampling for CATI fieldwork. However, business was only the second topic in most of our conversations. Our client service director comments on his experience: “I really took the time to get to know the person I was talking to rather than to offer the products – therefore I ended up having one of the best events in my career. I met so many “cool” people who could be both business partners and friends in life because as I got to know them better, I found out that we shared a lot of common interests and hobbies besides the common business interest of CATI“. The Insight Show, connecting people like no other!

Unlike the time when we arrived in London, the next day was sunny and warm and we certainly wished we could have stayed longer. Thank you to the Insight Show and the Research Club who organized such a wonderful combination of events and gave us another awesome memory about London.

See you next time!

Carsten is the founder of Sample Solutions and Lifepanel with over a decade of sampling and social research experience. A trained aerospace engineer who discovered his love for random phone numbers.

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