A Successful Year at Sample Solutions

Successful Year Sample Solutions blogpostA successful year has passed! As we enter into a new year full of new and exciting challenges, we feel obligated and proud of course, to share the major accomplishments and milestones that we have achieved in 2016. If we say that we are surprised by how things worked out, we would be lying, as Sample Solutions has strived to reach these goals for a quality amount of time.

As we discussed in the previous article, our team is working constantly on improving the quality of the samples and the services for our clients, so we consider the introduction of an online database as a novelty and a breakthrough which eases the access to vital information from anywhere around the world. Similar to that, considering every positive reason and mutual benefits, we became an ESOMAR corporate member. What was the defining moment, you may ask? Well, we rolled out our online Survey Platform – an in-house application for all things sampling related that works out in everyone’s favor with just a click only. The goal of Survey Platform is twofold: Provide Research and Fieldwork Agencies with a single platform for all their offline sampling needs Provide Research and Fieldwork Agency with a knowledge hub that provides info on sampling frames, disposition code results, suggested ratios mobile vs landline and so on.

The list just goes on and on and it is very hard to put all of our most precious moments in one picture, but we sure tried to depict all major turns and events in this infographic below!

Carsten is the founder of Sample Solutions and Lifepanel with over a decade of sampling and social research experience. A trained aerospace engineer who discovered his love for random phone numbers.

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