Is there an even better Way to control Cost, Quality and Delivery Speed of Phone Sample?

uk sample blogpostAs previously written, there is three important factor when choosing a sample provider – speed, quality, and cost. This article is going to pick up where we left off in the previous one. How does one address all three factors in an efficient, profitable and effective way?

Back in the 18th century, England was leading the world in the industrial revolution by inventing new technology that resulted in less human labor, fewer human errors while increasing the output of the process in both quantity and quality. The technological innovation was the key to the dominance of the English in the revolution back then.

The concept of reducing human labor and boosting productivity by means of automation is still an ongoing practice nowadays that is applied to almost all industries and market research. From having large field teams, consisting of thousands of employees walking on the streets, malls and city centers trying to get an interview, companies have downsized their field teams down to a few hundred who can sit more comfortably in offices, reach people via telephone but cover more areas and complete more interviews than before. Face to face interview is not dead but definitely not the most popular method of data collection anymore due to its inferior efficiency compared to the telephone. With the growth of telephone interview came the demand for telephone sample. Call centers can never afford to have interviews set duck and insert each phone numbers to call manually, which is why sample providers are present. We send our call center clients bulks of data for them to load into their system and be able to call in an automated manner but we think, that is still not good enough.

The best lead time that a sample provider can offer to their client is no time at all. In order to achieve that, communication delay, sample production, quality control and delivery should all be taken into account. To result in instant deliveries, one needs to get rid of all the aforementioned factors, and the only way one can achieve that is by allowing the clients access to their own database so that the clients can do counts and get sample instantly without having to wait for the supplier to do so. Some of the big and well-established companies have definitely achieved this but it is not cheap to run a 250-employee-company. Their prices are often associated with their quality and experience but why are there still smaller suppliers if the big ones actually cover everything? The answer it, perfection is only a goal that one can only get closer and closer to it just like an asymptote.

Sample Solutions is no exception as we are constantly trying to get closer to the perfection of data delivery to our clients. As this article is being written, our development team are working hard to create an online B2B database to complement our already operational RDD database in this year. What our clients will get out of it will be the blended database of a global B2B sample, comprised of various local sources that suit not only the popular studies but also the niche and specialized ones.

Get in touch with our client service team to learn more and get frequent updates on our progress or even better, head here to learn more about our new specialized UK B2B Database.

Carsten is the founder of Sample Solutions and Lifepanel with over a decade of sampling and social research experience. A trained aerospace engineer who discovered his love for random phone numbers.

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