Last week Sample Solutions continued this year’s streak for presenting its sampling research papers. Starting with CSDI in Warsaw this March, followed by AAPOR and WAPOR in Toronto two months later, and continuing with the 2019 biannual ESRA conference, hosted in the charming Croatian capital, Zagreb.
During the 5 days we were overwhelmed by the sheer amount and variety of sessions and activities, with up to 6 parallel sessions in certain time slots of the schedule. In count the work week had provided some 700+ participants with 10 courses, 16 exhibitors, 2 keynotes, 286 sessions covering above 1500 presentations one of which was presented by Nikola and Carsten “Using Big Data to Decrease Coverage – Error and Sample Bias in European Establishment Surveys” under the ”Business Surveys and the Changing Data Environment – How Can We Know Best about Businesses?” session.

The sampling research paper was based on the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks, where Sample Solutions combined forces with Kantar Public to tackle the business non coverage among European Business sampling frames by using our in-house application and tools of enriching up to date Business Data.
The audience found the presentation rather delightful, it sparked curiosity about whether there would be other opportunities and ways that BigData can be used to improve other aspects of sample for business surveys in terms of increasing productivity and coverage and data accuracy .
Carsten also co-presented the research paper “Surveying European Cities: The Use of Landline RDD Sample and a List-Assisted Mobile Sample, Enriched with Geographic Information” together with Ipsos, based on the 2019 European Quality of Life Survey, which sampled audiences from 89 cities via landline and mobile telephones.
Overall the 5 days of ESRA were overwhelming and insightful for the Sample Solutions team so much so that we have already started writing abstracts for the 2021 ESRA that will be held in Milan.
Until then look forward to seeing you at the 2020s conferences:
CSDI Paris, Spring 2020
75th AAPOR Atlanta, Spring 2020
73rd WAPOR Salamanca, Fall 2020