Highlights: ASSIRM Forum 2016

This 26th of October, Sample Solutions had the pleasure to take part in the ASSIRM Forum.

The Forum took place in the Centro Congressi ABI in Milan, with a record number of 300 companies and agencies subscribed to the event as well as hundreds of participants.

highlights assirm 2016 blogpost

The main purpose of the Forum was to discuss the economic values of research with the main topics being the relation between price and quality. Gathering high-quality sample and conducting research with the same value are essential for every business, so getting to know the market and the consumer’s choices are things of the biggest concern for every existing business or startup.

This is the very first time that Sample Solution was a participant of this event and it was a great way for us to meet existing clients face to face and to expand our network within the Italian market.

More than a social event, the Forum had the objective of presenting some new ideas and innovations in the sector through various workshops, held by the leading companies in the sector.

Of course, no event of this type can go without some time dedicated on networking and socializing, so the coffee breaks and the lunch break in between the sessions were a great opportunity to share opinions and discuss prospecting projects.

Our Client Service Manager for the Italian market comments:  “I look forward to the next edition of The Forum. We work in a very exciting industry that is in constant movement and keeps changing, therefore we all need to keep up with the evolution of the market. This kind of events and workshops keep us up to date with all the innovations and helps us to enhance our knowledge of our client´s needs and demands.”.

Carsten is the founder of Sample Solutions and Lifepanel with over a decade of sampling and social research experience. A trained aerospace engineer who discovered his love for random phone numbers.

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