Sample Solutions opens new Technology Office in Delft

We are glad to announce the opening of our new Technology Office from 1. January in Delft, The Netherlands.

technology office delft icon

European Client Service Director Daniel Boonman will lead the growing team from start 2015. “Delft has a vast potential for the development of new technologies related to data intelligence,” says Boonman. “with its global reach and backed by one of Europe’s leading technical universities,” he explains. Further online applications for geocoding, data enrichment and validation, RDD sampling, lifestyle sample and B2B sample will be added to the current RDD onDemand system which provides market research companies with a unique platform for access to offline sampling solutions.

About Sample Solutions

Founded in 2009, Sample Solutions is the premier global provider of sampling solutions for survey research. Both the lack of local sampling knowledge from the main players in the sample industry (for RDD sampling) and the lack of details when providing B2B sample led to the establishment of Sample Solutions. Sample Solutions provides better and more detailed sample than any other multi-market sample provider at a more cost-effective solution. This philosophy has resulted in  more clients from the international research industry finding their way to Sample Solutions for their phone samples.

This article was posted in the category About Sample Solutions and contains the following keywords: Sample Solutions, office, RDD sampling, Lifestyle SampLe, B2B sample, RDD, onDemand, market research, premier global provider, survey research, phone samples

Carsten is the founder of Sample Solutions and Lifepanel with over a decade of sampling and social research experience. A trained aerospace engineer who discovered his love for random phone numbers.

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