Our Data Services

Make the most of your data by enhancing accuracy

Sample Solutions offers a full suit of data enrichment and verification steps that add value to your sample or collected data.

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Data Projects

Your data enriched for research

Sample Solutions is passionate about adding value to your existing sample data. This is done by enhancing missing data points, providing better statistical insights, enhancing your sample for better recruitment projects, or simply displaying the data in a meaningful way.

For accurate sampling

An accurate sample is the base for any research project. Missing, inaccurate or wrong data points are all elements that can be prevented using the Sample Solutions data services.


Appending missing geographical data points or classifications

If you need to add location details to your dataset, Sample Solutions can provide you with a geocoding service. The service can add up to 5 levels of detail, including city, longitude, latitude, and languages spoken. The linking elements are the postcodes and phone numbers. 

On top of that Sample Solutions can classify location data into rural/urban and other statistical classifications.

Enrichment Services

Enhance your sample datasets with project-critical data points

You have only the tip of the iceberg about the data required? Sample Solutions has you covered by enriching your existing datasets with additional information.

Contact Data Information

Additional contact data to reach a company via Email, LinkedIn or Phone can be attached.

Decision-Maker Enrichment

Add decision-makers or influencers to your sample to improve your phone or digital recruitment.

Secondary Data Points

Secondary data points such as company demographics including size, industry, or revenue.

ETL Applications


The data-heavy clients of Sample Solutions can apply ETL operations in an integrated process going from collection of data to weighted reporting.



Data is extracted from various database types as well as applying real-time web-mining from various sources.



The data can then be transformed by applying matching, statistical or mathematical operations.



Lastly, the processed data will be stored in a database or data lake for custom reporting.

Enrichments for every contact type

Nowadays a decision-maker can be reached in multiple ways. Sample Solutions therefore enables data collection via multi-channel by providing up to 6 data collection channels for your contact data.



Connect to decision-makers using hyper-targeted LinkedIn messages.

Direct Email

Direct Email

Move away from info@ emails and reach your respondents inbox for push-to-CAWI.



Leverage the most used messaging app in Western Europe for recruiting.

Direct Mobile Dial

Direct Mobile Dial

Recruit the niche audience as well by using their direct mobile number for research.

Location Data

Location Data

Leverage SMS push-to-web using mobile phone numbers for your research.

Office Extension

Office Extension

Sample Solutions can go beyond switchboard numbers and provide extension data.

Reference projects

Here are some reference projects

Additional Research Services

Analytical and statistical services

Uncover exactly how you’re providing value at each stage of the customer journey and respond accordingly.


Data reporting using Markdown reports including Latex tables and graphics.

Weighting of Data

Weighting of data from up to 4 parameters using R or Stata.


Whitelabeled Dashboard for reporting of collected data using Tableau, Power BI or Zoho Analytics.