Qualitative Experts Interviews
Ease of doing Business in the European Union
Sampling B2B niche-audiences with extremely low incidences using a data-driven sampling approach in Europe for qualitative research.

Project Name
Ease of doing Business / Creation in the EU
Projects Timeline
Q2 2024
Sample Selection, Digital Recruitment via multiple channels, Incentive Management
Research Type
Digital Recruitment, Qualitative
Table of Contents
Key Metrics
Expert Interviews
Different Countries
Days: Start to Finish
Project Background
The client, a gobal consultancy company, wanted to better understand the ease of creating a second business in another EU country.
Therefore it was required to find business owners that already own a business in one EU country, were planning to or have created a second legal entity in a second country. This allowed the client to investigate legal or admin challenges that come with the process of setting up a s second business.
Project Challenges
The challenge was to find entepreneurs of different company sizes that have just opened or planning to open a second legal entity within the European Union and invite them for a 60-90 minute qualitative interview.
Going with general owners of companies would give a very low incidence rate especially in the small employee segments. Therefore it was needed to collect company data points as well.

Solution Provided
Sample Solutions provided a multi-channel recruitment approach that consisted of selecting the right target audience, crafting the right messaging to increase response rate as well as the incentive fullfillment.
Sample selection, outreach, ai supported messaging as well as the incentive fullfillment were all provided by our in-house technology.
Sampling Process
Different data points on company and contact level as well as the structure of companies had to be connected to ensure that the targeted contacts all have a second legal entity in a different country within the EU.
Also keywords from the website was used such as multiple locations or employee data to flag the right audience for this job.
Define Sampling Strategy
Different sampling strategies were discussed on the best way to achieve a high incidence rate.
Message Crafting
Different Messaging options were reated using A/B testing, supported by AI to have each message personalized and translated in the individual respondent langauge.
Landing Page
A dedicated Landing Page was built to outline about the background of the study, the purpose of the reserch and the entities involved. This helped to build trust among the survey respondents.
Data Collection
Data was collected within 2 weeks. Sample Solutions leveraged Email and LinkedIn and a 3-step Drip Campaign to ensure response rate maximization.
Selection & Approval
Via a dashboard the client was able to approve daily which respondents were suitable for the study – from there it was possible to schedule right away for the qualitative interviews.
Incentive Delivery via SEPA, Paypal or Amazon voucher depending on the respondents preferences.
Results and Outcomes
The expert interviews yielded a variety of insights regarding the way new legal entities are setup as well as the challenges when navigating different legal jurisdictions in Europe. Having a variety of company sizes as well as countries helped the client to get a better holistic view on the challenges faced and possible needed changes for European policies.
Respondent Recruitment
External Respondent Recruitment from verified B2B data points with authentic respondents. The advantage of not selecting B2B respondents from your B2C panel is self-speaking from here.
Positive Feedback
Client was extremely satisfied with the diverse range of respondents and feedback provided.
Agile Workflow
From project confirmation to first respondents in - the turnaround time was only 3 working days showcasing the strength of the integrated sampling selection, outreach and provision system.
The project has been a door-open for various other similar projects in the business research space.
Even for projects which seem to have a very low incidence-rate. When applying a data-driven sampling approach that matches over 150 company and contact variables, it is possible to target extreme niche audiences.