Quantitative Online Interviews
Mixed-Mode Data Collection using access and probability panel for enhanced survey quality
Mixing access panel interviews and offline-recruited panel interviews to increase data quality and less sampling skews.

Project Name
Mixed-Mode Data Collection using access panel and probability for enhanced survey quality
Projects Timeline
Q2 2024
Online Interviews, Backlinking, Incentive Management
Research Type
Panel Interviews, Quantitative
Table of Contents
Key Metrics
Probability Panel Interviews
Different Countries
Days: Start to Finish
Project Background
The client wanted to get a better understand of its products perceptions compared to the ones of the competitors.
One of the big concerns for the client was data quality and fraudulent respondents. Therefore the client opted for a mixed of online and offline recruited panel interviews. sample Solutions provided the offline recruited panel members from Lifepanel.
Project Challenges
The challenge in this project was the fact that any fraudulent respondent could change the perception of the brand or the competitors brands and therefore impacting trends within the marketing campaign of the brand.
The main challenge was therefore to add a data source that should yield less fraudulent respondents and coming from a less bias source (instead of online recruited panel members).

Solution Provided
Sample Solutions together with its partner provided a mixed-approach of online recruited and offline recruited online interviews. The offline recruited interviews were fielded first as the quota management could be leveraged at later stage better via the online recruited panel management system. At the end it would be possible to tweak the data based on the more reliable offline recruited interviews.
The probability panel was thus used for a quota sampling but with the advantage of having respondents that are les exposed to high frequency interviewing and completely offline recruited.
Sampling Process
Different data points on company and contact level as well as the structure of companies had to be connected to ensure that the targeted contacts all have a second legal entity in a different country within the EU.
Also keywords from the website was used such as multiple locations or employee data to flag the right audience for this job.
Create Sampling Strategy
Different sampling strategies were discussed on the best way to achieve a high incidence rate.
Prepare Surve Invitation
The survey invitation had to be adopted for SMS, WhatsApp and Email invite in the respective languages.
Ensure Quota Management
To maximize the data collected from the probability panel, the initial invitations went out to the offline recruited panel members only. In the second stage the online recruited panel members were launched.
Data Collection
Data was collected within 2 weeks. Sample Solutions leveraged Email, SMS and Whatsapp for completion rate max
Incentive Management
Upon interview approval and double-verification via the data quality check system – all completed surveys from panel members received an incentive via Amazon voucher or direct SEPA payment.
Results and Outcomes
The mix of online and offline recruited interviews yielded high-quality data and a signficant reduction in fraudulent respondents. The offline recruited panel members yielded 4.5 times less fraudulent respondents compared to the online recruited panel members.
This also allowed scaling the survey data to account for the bigger bias in the online collected data.
Respondent Recruitment
External Respondent Recruitment from verified B2B data points with authentic respondents. The advantage of not selecting B2B respondents from your B2C panel is self-speaking from here.
Positive Feedback
Client was extremely satisfied with the diverse range of respondents and feedback provided.
Agile Workflow
From project confirmation to first respondents in - the turnaround time was only 3 working days showcasing the strength of the integrated sampling selection, outreach and provision system.
The project has been a door-open for various other similar projects in the business research space.
This project showcased the strength of mixing online and offline recruited panel members for studies that require a high degree of precision.
The cost of offline recruited panel members is of course higher compared to online recruited panel members but will certainly deliver more reliable data.